The Community for Teledermatology | Dermatology
The Teledermatology project: telederm.org was conceived in 2002 by H. Peter Soyer and Rainer Hofmann-Wellenhof from the Department of Dermatology, Medical University of Graz, Austria and is aimed towards the exchange of knowledge and expertise on a worldwide level (PLoS Medicine 2005: Health in Action: telederm.org: Freely Available Online Consultations in Dermatology). The goal of the Community for Teledermatology | Dermatology is to create a surplus value for experts, physicians and healthcare workers interested in dermatology and teledermatology.
The basic aim of the project is to create a user-friendly platform for a teleconsultation service where physicians can quickly and easily seek diagnostic advice in dermatology from a pool of expert consultants and where they can present and discuss particular dermatological cases with an emphasis on diagnostic procedures, diagnosis and therapy.
Our Aim
Telederm.org is the homebase of The Community for Teledermatology | Dermatology. The concept of Open Access Teleconsultation in Dermatology has been introduced to provide and share user-generated content on a worldwide level. This goal is achieved by establishing moderated user-content-driven communities.